Refund Form
Sat, 29 Mar 2025
Refund Form
Please provide all needed information to request a refund.
You can start your new refund request by clicking on the "Refund Form".
Your refund will be delayed if you submit an incomplete refund form.
Please attach one of the following supporting documents: -
Copy of ID Card
Offer Letter
Confirmation email as proof
After the refund has been successfully credited to your account, you will receive a payment advising notification from HSBC Bank.
Tuition and other refunds
Timeline for the refund process: -
Finance Office: It will take approximately fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) working days with complete document submission (excluding weekends and public holidays).
For enquiries with regard to tuition and other fees, please email Finance Refund at
Video guide: -
Tuition Fees Refund
Miscellaneous Fees Refund
Workflow Overview: -
Accommodation refund
Timeline for the refund process: -
Accommodation Office: It will take approximately fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) working days with complete document submission.
Finance Office: It will take approximately fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) working days with complete document submission (excluding weekends and public holidays) from the Accommodation Office.
For enquiries pertaining to accommodation, please email Accommodation at
Workflow Overview: -
Visa refund
Timeline for the refund process: -
Visa Office: It will take approximately two (2) working days with complete document submission.
Finance Office: It will take approximately fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) working days with complete document submission (excluding weekends and public holidays) from the Visa Office.
For enquiries with regard to visa fees: -
For Returning Students, please email to
For New Students, please email to
Workflow Overview: -
Course deposit refund
Timeline for the refund process: -
Admission Office: It will take approximately three (3) to seven (7) working days upon submission of the relevant documents for the refund request to be considered. Refund of course deposit will only be considered if you have met the condition stated under the
Refund Policy
Finance Office: It will take approximately fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) working days upon approval from the Admissions Office and submission of the relevant/additional information (from the offer holders, if applicable) for the refund to be initiated (excluding weekends and public holidays).
For enquiries related to decision on the refund of the course deposit: -
Admissions Office
+60 3 8924 8668 (Admissions Hotline)
For other enquiries related to refund process:
Finance Office
+60 3 8924 8607 (Finance Hotline)
Workflow Overview: -